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Gospel Crusades
It is one of the very important ministries that the Lord has entrusted to us.
Thousands of people have already been added to God's Kingdom through these crusades.
We hold a total of 4 Gospel Crusades in a year
The people of Cities and Towns are mainly targeted in these Crusades.
Alter calls are given and decision forms are collected at the end.
We are grateful to God for blessing us with a great harvest of souls in every crusade.
We are praying for individuals and churches who have a heart for the perishing souls of India to financially support our Gospel crusades that are bringing amazing results.
If the Lord has placed a desire in your heart to preach the Gospel to these unreached masses, you are most welcome to join hands with us.
Your donation of 850 USD can help us have a crusade and a great harvest of souls.
Please contact us
if the Lord is leading you into this.

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