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Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
To look after Orphans and Widows in their distress and to keep oneself
from being polluted by the world. Jam 1:27

Homes for
Orphan Children

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These happy faces were once very sad. We want to see a glow on their faces and on their future as well.

Flood Relief &
Rebuilding flood victims

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Massive floods hit region in mansoon season, taking away every thing people possess.  

Day Care Centres for
Poor Children

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The parents of these children are unable to provide for them. Hence we care for them during day.

Shelter & Food
for Helpless Lepers


Lepers, no one wants them due to disfiguration. The shelter & food we give them means everything.

Providing Food to
Frail Widows


A widow is counted cursed of God. Along with food, we give them self- respect

Taking care of
Poor Blind Children


In 2024, we received a request from these blind children as they're in need of food and other basic needs 

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