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Day Care Centers
On account of the winding up of the Compassion International organisation in India, all their day care centres became non-existent which caused tremendous chaos in the lives of many children which greatly increased the need for many more day care centres.
Now we have only one day care centre in which 26 children are cared for.
Our goal is to take care of 100 children by the end of 2021.
“We live from hand to mouth. God has blessed us with two children. We always felt bad for not being able to meet their needs. Thanks to Life Changers for caring for our children.”
— Mrs. & Mr. Raju

“My husband is from the poorest of poor family. After the birth of second child, we could care for the first child and struggled a lot. Now Life changers is taking care of our first child ”
— Mrs. Suneetha
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