Feeding Lepers
Lepers are untouchables and outcasts in India as it was in the days of the Bible.
No one employs them because they are believed to be cursed by God.
Family members excommunicate them when leprosy attacks.
They have to make a living by begging.
If they can't go for begging, they will have to die of hunger.
They don't have proper shelters to live in.
Most of them live just for one reason that they do not want to die.
In 2017, one of our Missionaries named Yesupadam entered a village called 'Rowthulapudi' to preach the Gospel where he found 52 miserable lepers who are living by begging. Their miserable condition touched his heart. He brought them to the church's notice and explained how hard was life for them. we prayed and decided to feed them one day of every week as that's what we could do for them. We used to feed them every Sunday. Rest of the days, they beg for their bread. Some of them are too old to go for begging. So we fed them every day.
As our church has been closed since March 2020 due to COVID-19, the church's income has drastically decreased as people lost their jobs and works which made it very hard for us to continue our feeding program as a result of which these pitiable lepers are suffering more than ever before.
Why suffering more than ever before:
No one employes these people due to their disfiguration and physical condition. So the only means they can make their living is by begging. Because of the rapid spread of the COVID-19 in India, social distance is strictly practiced which has prevented the lepers from going to begging. If these people are seen as untouchables under normal conditions, we can imagine how much more discrimination they face under COVID conditions. Now they are the most unfortunate and the most pitiable people.
What we're doing for them:
We visit them as often as we can (at least 4 times a month) with food and other basic needs. We sing and pray with them, spend some quality time and serve them food and other basic needs. They always feel a great amount of joy to see us and to spend time with us.
How can you be involved:
Isn't it amazing that your little can do a lot to someone unfortunate? Your love gift of 175 USD can feed them all one time and meet their basic needs. We know what is done unto them is done unto our Lord Himself and we'll not lose our reward in Heaven.
How to send your help:
If you want to feed these beloved people, please go to our donate page.